Since November last year, the European Union INTERREG Baltic Sea Region Programme 2021-2027 project "Baltic Approaches to Handling Plastic Pollution under a Circular Economy Context" BALTIPLAST / #C021 that is being implemented by Daugavpils city municipality has been running various activities in schools in Daugavpils.

The BALTIPLAST project expert in the field of plastic pollution reduction in the context of science and education has conducted several interactive lessons for schoolchildren on waste management, plastic waste and its impact on the environment  - at Daugavpils Valstspilsētas Secondary School, Daugavpils Zinātņu Secondary School, Daugavpils Vienības Primary School, as well as Daugavpils Centra Secondary School. Thank you to the schools and teachers for their interest! We invite teachers to register their students for a lesson on waste management, plastic waste and its impact on the environment. The duration is 1 lesson. Interested teachers are invited to write to

Together with the project partner "Baltic Environmental Forum Latvia" (Riga), this year a practical activity "How to reduce plastic use in everyday life?" is being implemented in several Daugavpils schools, which involves testing a plastic waste reduction tool developed within the BALTIPLAST project.

On 5th February, 2024 a seminar on waste management was organised for heads and vice-principals of educational institutions. The participants were informed about the latest developments in waste management in the world, in the country and in our city, as well as discussion was held about waste sorting in schools.

The aim of BALTIPLAST is to inform the public about the measures that can be implemented to reduce single-use plastic waste in households, offices and on the streets and to increase the amount of recycled plastic, thus contributing to the reduction of plastic waste in the Baltic Sea Region. BALTIPLAST focuses on responsible use of resources, changing mindsets and consumer behaviour.

The project will continue until December 2025. The plan is to organize trainings and awareness-raising activities as well as to work on improving waste management and reducing single-use plastic waste in all partner countries, involving citizens, schools and businesses. Find out more about the project and follow its activities here. (

Project financed by - European Union INTERREG Baltic Sea Region Programme 2021-2027

Information prepared by

Division for Investments and International Cooperation of

Development Department



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