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Rothko Museum’s exhibition curator Farida Zaletilo receives Lifetime Scholarship from Latvia’s Culture Capital Foundation Culture news

Rothko Museum’s exhibition curator Farida Zaletilo receives Lifetime Scholarship from Latvia’s Culture Capital Foundation

The State Culture Capital Foundation has awarded a Lifetime Scholarship to the Rothko Museum’s exhibition curator, Farida Zaletilo, recognising her outstanding contribution to Latvia’s cultural landscape and international reputation through “The Rothko Project”, which has led to the Rothko Museum and a permanent presence of Rothko’s original art in his birthplace.

Farida Zaletilo is the visionary behind the Rothko Museum (formerly Daugavpils Mark Rothko Art Centre). She was the project’s original driving force, concept co-author, and leader. In the early 2000s, she established the first connections with the Rothko family, securing their trust and commitment to provide Rothko originals for the emerging museum in the artist’s birthplace. Through her efforts, this extraordinary collaboration continues to thrive. Every three years, the Rothko Museum receives a new selection of previously unseen original works from the family’s collection, solidifying its status as the only cultural venue in Europe to offer a permanent retrospective showcase of Rothko’s original masterpieces.

At the same time, ever since the museum’s opening, Farida has continued to shape its artistic programme by curating world-class exhibitions that draw striking parallels between Rothko’s timeless legacy and the work of globally renowned artists.

Thus, through her extraordinary vision and dedication, Farida has transformed Daugavpils and the Rothko Museum into a cultural hub of national significance and European distinction and amplified Latvia’s global resonance through its most valued cultural icon – Mark Rothko.

The State Culture Capital Foundation (SCCF) awards Lifetime Scholarships to outstanding cultural and arts professionals in recognition of their lifetime contributions to culture and arts. The scholarships are granted through an annual competition. In this year’s competition, the SCCF Council awarded scholarships to 12 recipients representing different cultural sectors.

Publicity photo: Farida Zaletilo, SCCF Lifetime Scholarship recipient



Inga Gedžūne

+371 26070651

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