Analysis of economic indicators of the city of Daugavpils for 9 months of 2012 industry City news



The amount of production in the first 9 months of this year, compared with identical indicators in 2011, increased by 12.3%. 12% improvement observed in the food industry. Large-scale reconstruction of SIA «Daugavpilsgaļas kombināts» and AS «Latvijas maiznieks», as well as other companies, has given results.

Metal processing sector is working stable (102%), as well as enterprises producing chemical fibers and their products (107%).

Manufacturers of cable connections increases their output by 14%,  the result is also achieved through reconstruction.

Successfully work also manufacturers of building materials and construction plastic.

Recession is observed only in the sewing industry, where the average amount of production is only 65% compared to last year.

The number of employees in industrial sector grew by 4% and now is 6684 people.


It is rather difficult to analyze the results in the construction industry today considering the fact that many large construction companies are in insolvency. Amount of works done by construction companies ofDaugavpilsis only 86% of the previous year. Necessary to consider, that the largest customer of construction work in the city is Daugavpils City Council. Passed new contests, which are won in the third quarter other companies, and the work has already begun. Amount of these works will also be included in the statistics by the end of this year. Unfortunately, the number of workers in the construction sector (companies ofDaugavpils) decreased by 30%.

The railway

InDaugavpilsthe turnover of wagons during the year increased by 9.6%. In the structure of the Latvian Railway are employed 1,115 people.

Service enterprises ofLatvianRailwayRollingStockLocomotiveRepairCenterand Wagon repair center showed an increase of 43%. The number of employees of these companies during the year increased by 100 people, and now 1049 persons work here.


Number of unemployed persons in this year decreased by 648 persons, but the number of unemployed registered persons still is 4723.

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