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The city council together with representatives of state and educational institutions evaluates the Daugavpils Development program Council news

The city council together with representatives of state and educational institutions evaluates the Daugavpils Development program

A meeting with representatives of state institutions and higher and professional education institutions of Daugavpils took place at the city council on April 11 and 12. Guests were met by the chairperson of the council Žanna Kulakova, deputy chairperson Līvija Jankovska and executive director Andrejs Kursītis.


Žanna Kulakova stressed that we all are inhabitants of Daugavpils and the development of the city depends on our cooperation. The opinion of the citizens is important to the municipality while drafting such a serious document that will define the life and work of the city in the time period from 2014 to 2020. Žanna Kulakova expressed thankfulness for the co-operation. These meetings with representatives of various fields were organized in order to receive suggestions and ideas. The program is being worked on, it will be handed to public discussion in June this year, and is planned to be attested in November. Žanna Kulakova informed that the year 2012 was a breakthrough year for Daugavpils, which was indicated by the economic parameters that were even better than in the years before the global economic crisis. Therefore the leadership of Daugavpils maintains that it was correct in the choice of priorities – support of entrepreneurial activity and promotion of tourism. Žanna Kulakova spoke about the efforts of the municipality to develop the fortress, the achieved cooperation with the government, which formed a special task group for creation of a concept for the development of the fortress. The concept is scheduled for reviewing in the parliament in June. Žanna Kulakova urged to also actively involve the colleagues and students of the institutions in the discussing of the program.


Līvija Jankovska emphasized that it is important for development to determine which sectors to develop in the city in the future, what kind of specialists to prepare, and how to attract investments. Of course, entrepreneurship is not included in the functions of the municipality; however, municipality is exactly the institution that is able to coordinate the cooperation between businesses, to organize informative events. That is the reason while Investment forum is being held for the second time in Daugavpils. The municipality is able to modernize city's infrastructure, the opportunity has been found to modernize the infrastructure of industrial zones.


Andrejs Kursītis explained that the program has been worked on for two years, experts have been involved, however, the program is still open to additions and supplements, therefore evaluations and suggestions are being welcomed.


The experts of the development department had a presentation prepared for the guests, explaining what has been done in this period of planning as well as what has been planned for the next period from 2014 to 2020.


Future projects include the 3rd transport junction, reconstruction of the Zoo, reconstruction of Children's polyclinic, development of the industrial districts; continuation of the reconstruction of the fortress, much emphasis is being placed on ecology, the adjustment of city's water reservoirs. Work on the important airport project shall be continued as well. Representatives of the educational field admitted that the project is necessary by telling an example of a certain student from China who wished to come to Daugavpils, he was clear about how to get to Riga, but asked a question about how to take a flight to Daugavpils. The city council maintains that the project should be continued and a quest for new possibilities is necessary, this time it is the attraction of a new investor, because government support was not received.


The city council emphasized the necessity to use the full potential of all fields to create a city together. The guests welcomed the efforts and support of the municipality to promote the development and cooperation between the public and educational institutions.


Finally, Žanna Kulakova thanked everyone for the responsiveness and support provided to the local government and urged to actively participate in the discussion of the Development Program.


The information has been prepared by press secretary of Daugavpils city council Līga Korsaka

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