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Investment offers

Information has been updated at 16.01.2025, 10:12



Offers for IT companies

Telpu mērķis/Purpose of premises


Platība m2/ Useful area m2


√ 18 Novembra str. 18a 

Google map

Valērijs Kepents 1460,6 m2 1.stāvs (170 m2 – 1200 euro mēnesī) 4.stāvs (75 m2 – 350 euro mēnesī) / 1st floor (170 m2 - 1200 euros per month) 4th floor (75 m2 - 350 euros per month)

√ Muitas str. 3e 

Google map

SIA “Siltumsistēma” 400 m2 3.50 Eur/m2 + PVN (VAT)

√ Valkas str. 2

Google map

SIA “Dauer Holding” 260 m2 3.00 Eur/m2 + PVN (VAT)

√Rīgas iela 70

Google map

 Natural person

560 m2 1000 Eur/monthly

√ Vienības str. 18

Google map

SIA “Vienības 18” 8 telpas / 8 rooms 5 eur/m2 + komunālie maksājumi/utility costs

√ Gimnāzijas str. 19

Google map

SIA 4 Īpašumi 138,6 m2 550 EUR+ PVN (VAT)

√ Smilšiela 90 / Smilsu str. 90 

Google map

Rīgas Tehniskās universitātes Daugavpils  studiju un zinātnes centrs / Daugavpils Study and Science Center of Riga Technical University 14 m2- 168 m2

3.stāvs / 3th floor:

2.69 eur/m2 + PVN + komunālie pakalpojumi / 2.69 eur/m2 + VAT + utility cos

√ Municipāli dzīvokļi/ Municipal flats,  Gaismas str. 7

Google map

Daugavpils valstspilsētas pašvaldība /Daugavpils City government 6899,8 m2 uz izsoles pamata/on the base of auction

√ Kopmītnes Sporta iela 8 un 6 / Hostels, Sporta str. 8 and 6

Google map

Daugavpils universitāte/Daugavpils University 12m2; 19m2  20 €/24h

√ Kopmītnes / Hostels

Google map

 DU DMK (medicīnas koledža dienesta viesnīca) / DU DMK (Medical College Service Hotel)  11 (1-istabu VIP numuri (1-2 vietējie) / 1-bed VIP rooms (1-2 people)  20.00 eur/24h + PVN (VAT) (par numuru/ per room)


Plots Of Land

Development area

Land owner

Purpose of area

Total area (ha)


 Daugavas str. area

Plot of land between Daugavas and Vaļņu str., 05000362401

Google map

Municipality Mixed building area (indust+public)


(leased 2000m2, 1173 m2)

1. Industrial buildings

Plot of land 10 Lidotāju str. 005000360106

Google map

Municipality Mixed building area (indust+public)

34,74 ha 

(leased 5416 m2, 1995 m2, 6001 m2, 6500 m2)

2. Warehouses

√ Plot of land 40 Daugavas str. 05000362305

Google map

Municipality Mixed building area (indust+public)

21,83 ha

(leased 525 m2, 590 m2, 3000 m2)

3. Office space

Town Centre

Plot of land 133 Stacijas str.  05000100317

Google map

  Public building area

2,22 ha

(leased 2000 m2 untill 2026)

1.Office park construction      

2. IT park construction        

3. Construction of a trade park

Northern Industrial zone

Plot of land Spaļu str. Area 05000071802

Google map

Municipality Industrial building area 12,12 ha

1. Industrial buildings             

2. Warehouses

Plot of land Spaļu str. Area 05000070005, 05000070507

Google map

State property Industrial building area 2,8 ha

1. Industrial buildings             

2. Warehouses

Plot of land Spaļu str. Area 05000330015, 05000070118

Google map

Municipality Industrial building area 1,88 ha

1. Industrial buildings             

2. Warehouses

Plot of land 2 Loģistikas str. 05000330016, 05000330007

Google map

Municipality Industrial building area 11,48 ha

1. Industrial buildings             

2. Warehouses

Plot of land  Spaļu str.region

Google map

Municipality Industrial building area 33.50 ha (4 plots af land)

1. Industrial buildings             

2. Warehouses


Plot of land 19 Dunduru str. 05000201215

Google map

Private property Industrial building area 2 ha

1. Industrial buildings             

2. Warehouses

Plot of land 19a Dunduru str. 05000201220

Google map

Private property Industrial building area 0.60 ha

1. Industrial buildings             

2. Warehouses

Plot of land Dunduru str. 05000230002 

Google map

Municipality Industrial building area 3,8 ha

1. Industrial buildings             

2. Warehouses

Plot of land Dunduru str. 05000231203 

Google map

Municipality Industrial building area 0,24 ha

1. Industrial buildings             

2. Warehouses

Plot of land Dunduru str. 05000211402

Google map

Municipality Industrial building area 1,68 ha 

1. Industrial buildings             

2. Warehouses

KRIŽI district

Plot of land 60 Viršu str. 05000310200, 05000310002

Google map

Municipality Industrial building area

3.83 ha

(leased 27257 m2 untill 2052)

1.  Industrial buildings   

2. Warehouses

Plot of land 60 Viršu str. 05000310310

Google map

Municipality Industrial building area 0.4 ha

1.  Industrial buildings   

2. Warehouses

Plot of land 58 Viršu str. 05000310302, 05000310206

Google map

Municipality Industrial building area 3.14 ha  

1.  Industrial buildings   

2. Warehouses

KALKŪNI district (Blāzmas and Baznīcas Str.)

√ Plot of land 05000172503, 05000170042

Google map

Municipality Industrial building area 1.23 ha 1. Industrial buildings

√ Plot of land 05000170030, 05000173215

Google map

Municipality Industrial building area

1.86 ha 

(leased 192 m2, 500 m2)

1. Industrial buildings

√ Plot of land  05000173221

Google map

Municipality Industrial building area 1.21 ha 1. Industrial buildings

√ Plot of land  05000173222

Google map

Municipality Industrial building area 0.77 ha 1. Industrial buildings

√ Plot of land  05000173223

Google map

Municipality Industrial building area 0.93 ha 1. Industrial buildings

√ Plot of land  05000173213

Google map

Municipality Industrial building area 0.25 ha 1. Industrial buildings

√ Plot of land  05000173210

Google map

Municipality Industrial building area

4.47 ha

(leased 364 m2)

1. Industrial buildings

√ Plot of land  05000173211

Google map

Municipality Industrial building area 5.2 ha 1. Industrial buildings

√ Plot of land  05000173106

Google map

Municipality Industrial building area 3.3 ha 1. Industrial buildings

√ Plot of land  05000173104

Google map

Municipality Industrial building area 1.6 ha 1. Industrial buildings

√ Plot of land  05000173209

Google map

Municipality Industrial building area 0.7 ha 1. Industrial buildings


Industrial Premises 


Address and Cadastral Number

Purpose of Use (m2)

Total area (ha)


Premises on 63 Stacijas str. 05000014811 001

Google map

Public building area 800 m2

1.Office park

2. Production space

Premises on 7p Stiklu str.  05000200312

Google map

Public building area 300 m2

1. Industrial

2. Warehouse

Premises on 16a Fabrikas str.  05000020125

Google map

Public building area 800 m2 (leased)

1. Industrial

2. Warehouse

Premises on 2 Valkas str. 05000060705

Google map

Public building area 20000 m2

1. Industrial

2. Warehouse

Premises on 10 2.Preču str.  05000091001

Google map

Public building area 110 m2

1. Industrial

2. Warehouse

Premises on 6 Vaļņu str.  05000091001

Google map

Public building area 823 m2

1. Industrial

2. Warehouse

Commercial Premises 

Development area


Useful area (m2)


 45a Stacijas str. area, 139,48 m2

Premises on 45a Stacijas str. 05000016502, 05000016502 001

Google map

Municipality 139,48 m2 1. Catering

 45a Stacijas str. area, 61,2 m2

Premises on 9 Nikolaja str. 0500011 1724, 05000111724 001

Google map

Municipality 61,2 m2 1.Offices/recreational 

 49 Lielā str. area, 316,7 m2

Premises on 49 Lielā str. 05000150105

Google map

Municipality 316,7 m2 1. Commercial aims

 63 Stacijas str. area, 800 m2

Premises on 63 Stacijas str. 05000014811 001

Google map

Municipality 800 m2

1. Commercial aims  

2. Industrial 

 11 Turaidas str. Room-1745,3 m2, land-1,0366 ha

Premises on 11 Turaidas str. 05000293201

Google map

Municipality Room-1745,3 m2, land-1,0366 ha

1. Offices

2. Recreation centre


 24 Ūdens str. Room-1736,0 m2, land-1,5400 ha

Premises on 24 Ūdens str. 05000154704 001

Google map

Municipality Room-1736,0 m2, land-1,5400 ha

1. Offices  

2. Recreation centre

 1 Šūņu str. Room-2762,4 m2, land- 4,8299 ha

Premises on 1 Šūņu str. 05000340901 001

Google map

Municipality Room-2762,4 m2, land- 4,8299 ha

1. Offices  

2. Recreation centre

 6 Hospitāļa str. Room -10925 m2, land -1,1 ha

Premises on 6 Hospitāļa str. 05000112006 001

Google map


Room-10925 m2,

land- 1,1 ha

1. Offices  

2. Recreation centre

 11 Mihaila str. Room - 7835.5 m2, land -1,0647 ha

 Premises on 11 Mihaila str. 05000111717 001

Google map


Room-7835,5 m2, land - 1,0647 ha


1. Offices  

2. Living

3. Commercial purposes

1T Jelgavas str. Room - 3500.0 m2, land - 0.5856 HA

  1T Jelgavas str.

Google map

 Private property

Space - 3500,0 m2, land - 0,5856 ha

 1. Industrial

2. Warehouse

3. Offices


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