Investment offers
Offers for IT companies
Telpu mērķis/Purpose of premises |
Īpašnieks/Owner |
Platība m2/ Useful area m2 |
Cena/Price |
Valērijs Kepents | 1460,6 m2 | 1.stāvs (170 m2 – 1200 euro mēnesī) 4.stāvs (75 m2 – 350 euro mēnesī) / 1st floor (170 m2 - 1200 euros per month) 4th floor (75 m2 - 350 euros per month) | |
SIA “Siltumsistēma” | 400 m2 | 3.50 Eur/m2 + PVN (VAT) | |
SIA “Dauer Holding” | 260 m2 | 3.00 Eur/m2 + PVN (VAT) | |
Natural person |
560 m2 | 1000 Eur/monthly | |
SIA “Vienības 18” | 8 telpas / 8 rooms | 5 eur/m2 + komunālie maksājumi/utility costs | |
SIA 4 Īpašumi | 138,6 m2 | 550 EUR+ PVN (VAT) | |
Rīgas Tehniskās universitātes Daugavpils studiju un zinātnes centrs / Daugavpils Study and Science Center of Riga Technical University | 14 m2- 168 m2 |
3.stāvs / 3th floor: 2.69 eur/m2 + PVN + komunālie pakalpojumi / 2.69 eur/m2 + VAT + utility cos |
Daugavpils valstspilsētas pašvaldība /Daugavpils City government | 6899,8 m2 | uz izsoles pamata/on the base of auction | |
√ Kopmītnes Sporta iela 8 un 6 / Hostels, Sporta str. 8 and 6 |
Daugavpils universitāte/Daugavpils University | 12m2; 19m2 | 20 €/24h |
DU DMK (medicīnas koledža dienesta viesnīca) / DU DMK (Medical College Service Hotel) | 11 (1-istabu VIP numuri (1-2 vietējie) / 1-bed VIP rooms (1-2 people) | 20.00 eur/24h + PVN (VAT) (par numuru/ per room) |
Plots Of Land
Development area |
Land owner |
Purpose of area |
Total area (ha) |
Functions |
Daugavas str. area |
Municipality | Mixed building area (indust+public) |
9,02ha (leased 2000m2, 1173 m2) |
1. Industrial buildings | |
Municipality | Mixed building area (indust+public) |
34,74 ha (leased 5416 m2, 1995 m2, 6001 m2, 6500 m2) |
2. Warehouses | |
Municipality | Mixed building area (indust+public) |
21,83 ha (leased 525 m2, 590 m2, 3000 m2) |
3. Office space | |
Town Centre |
Public building area |
2,22 ha (leased 2000 m2 untill 2026) |
1.Office park construction 2. IT park construction 3. Construction of a trade park |
Northern Industrial zone |
Municipality | Industrial building area | 12,12 ha |
1. Industrial buildings 2. Warehouses |
State property | Industrial building area | 2,8 ha |
1. Industrial buildings 2. Warehouses |
Municipality | Industrial building area | 1,88 ha |
1. Industrial buildings 2. Warehouses |
Municipality | Industrial building area | 11,48 ha |
1. Industrial buildings 2. Warehouses |
Municipality | Industrial building area | 33.50 ha (4 plots af land) |
1. Industrial buildings 2. Warehouses |
Private property | Industrial building area | 2 ha |
1. Industrial buildings 2. Warehouses |
Private property | Industrial building area | 0.60 ha |
1. Industrial buildings 2. Warehouses |
Municipality | Industrial building area | 3,8 ha |
1. Industrial buildings 2. Warehouses |
Municipality | Industrial building area | 0,24 ha |
1. Industrial buildings 2. Warehouses |
Municipality | Industrial building area | 1,68 ha |
1. Industrial buildings 2. Warehouses |
KRIŽI district |
Municipality | Industrial building area |
3.83 ha (leased 27257 m2 untill 2052) |
1. Industrial buildings 2. Warehouses |
Municipality | Industrial building area | 0.4 ha |
1. Industrial buildings 2. Warehouses |
Municipality | Industrial building area | 3.14 ha |
1. Industrial buildings 2. Warehouses |
KALKŪNI district (Blāzmas and Baznīcas Str.) |
Municipality | Industrial building area | 1.23 ha | 1. Industrial buildings | |
Municipality | Industrial building area |
1.86 ha (leased 192 m2, 500 m2) |
1. Industrial buildings | |
Municipality | Industrial building area | 1.21 ha | 1. Industrial buildings | |
Municipality | Industrial building area | 0.77 ha | 1. Industrial buildings | |
Municipality | Industrial building area | 0.93 ha | 1. Industrial buildings | |
Municipality | Industrial building area | 0.25 ha | 1. Industrial buildings | |
Municipality | Industrial building area |
4.47 ha (leased 364 m2) |
1. Industrial buildings | |
Municipality | Industrial building area | 5.2 ha | 1. Industrial buildings | |
Municipality | Industrial building area | 3.3 ha | 1. Industrial buildings | |
Municipality | Industrial building area | 1.6 ha | 1. Industrial buildings | |
Municipality | Industrial building area | 0.7 ha | 1. Industrial buildings |
Industrial Premises
Address and Cadastral Number |
Purpose of Use (m2) |
Total area (ha) |
Functions |
Public building area | 800 m2 |
1.Office park 2. Production space |
Public building area | 300 m2 |
1. Industrial 2. Warehouse |
Public building area | 800 m2 (leased) |
1. Industrial 2. Warehouse |
Public building area | 20000 m2 |
1. Industrial 2. Warehouse |
Public building area | 110 m2 |
1. Industrial 2. Warehouse |
Public building area | 823 m2 |
1. Industrial 2. Warehouse |
Commercial Premises
Development area |
Owner |
Useful area (m2) |
Functions |
45a Stacijas str. area, 139,48 m2 |
Municipality | 139,48 m2 | 1. Catering | |
45a Stacijas str. area, 61,2 m2 |
Municipality | 61,2 m2 | 1.Offices/recreational | |
49 Lielā str. area, 316,7 m2 |
Municipality | 316,7 m2 | 1. Commercial aims | |
63 Stacijas str. area, 800 m2 |
Municipality | 800 m2 |
1. Commercial aims 2. Industrial |
11 Turaidas str. Room-1745,3 m2, land-1,0366 ha |
Municipality | Room-1745,3 m2, land-1,0366 ha |
1. Offices 2. Recreation centre |
24 Ūdens str. Room-1736,0 m2, land-1,5400 ha |
Municipality | Room-1736,0 m2, land-1,5400 ha |
1. Offices 2. Recreation centre |
1 Šūņu str. Room-2762,4 m2, land- 4,8299 ha |
Municipality | Room-2762,4 m2, land- 4,8299 ha |
1. Offices 2. Recreation centre |
6 Hospitāļa str. Room -10925 m2, land -1,1 ha |
Municipality |
Room-10925 m2, land- 1,1 ha |
1. Offices 2. Recreation centre |
11 Mihaila str. Room - 7835.5 m2, land -1,0647 ha |
Municipality |
Room-7835,5 m2, land - 1,0647 ha
1. Offices 2. Living 3. Commercial purposes |
1T Jelgavas str. Room - 3500.0 m2, land - 0.5856 HA |
√ 1T Jelgavas str. | Private property |
Space - 3500,0 m2, land - 0,5856 ha |
1. Industrial
2. Warehouse 3. Offices |